Monday, April 20, 2009


I've had 3 dreams in my life that have really stood out.

1. When I was about 4, I watched Jurassic Park for the first time. I was so freaked out about it. I kept seeing t-rexes, and velociraptors, marching down my wall, turning and coming to get me. Then I'd look over and there was this old man, standing there with a garden hose... and my bedroom was flooding. So then, I started screaming, and my sister, Mom and Dad came running into my room and turned the light on, and everything was completely gone. So I calmed down, and then they left and turned the light off... and everything was back. I think I slept with the light on that night. Not too scary now, but it was when I was four!!!

2. The second scariest I've had was definitely my wedding.
And no, that's not just a stereotypical wedding with flowers and bridesmaids and the happiest day of my life, blah, blah, blah.
This wedding was like something straight out of a horror movie. It was really dark and stormy, really foggy, full moon out, just like a creepy night scene in the Village or something.
I was at my church(and my church is an old building- from the 1800's, and it's out in the country with a cow pasture across the road), and I'm standing there -I might have been crying, I don't really remember, so I decided to get changed into my wedding dress... in the church bathroom(which is really tinyyy, btw).
I get dressed in like 2 minutes flat, no make-up or anything. So I come out of the bathroom, and either my Mom or pastor's wife was standing there, telling me I looked gorgeous, but I was so upset and out of it, so I really didn't listen or even see them. I decide to put a brave face on, and go into the sanctuary.
I go in, and sit in one of the pews, and I see another bride, sitting next to me (must have been a double wedding). I look at her face because she seemed to be really upset too, and it was veiled.
And yes, as you might have guessed, it wasn't the traditional veil, it was like she was in a shroud or something, and her face was wrapped a couple times over- it was sheer so you could still see the shape of her face/hair color.
Our grooms were no where in sight, but I walked slowly towards the front of the sanctuary, and I saw a bright (though very foggy) light.
The pastor was standing there, and then, I was married.
After, I went outside (I had a sinking feeling in my stomach, I was so upset, and just wanted to die), and there were some black SUVs out in the church parking lot. Then it ended. XD
I still wonder if I'll ever want to get married just because of that dream. Especially since I've always wanted to get married at my church.

3. This one's happy... I promise!

I was at my local college, and one of my sisters was giving a speech of some sort.
She happened to lose her written copy, and so a few of us went and were looking all around for it. While I was looking, I thought I saw someone I knew. I hesitated, and decided to turn around to say hi.
So, I walk in the door, and there's this guy standing there. He was insanely tall (like over 6'4"), and he was really nerdy looking (in other words, my dream dude... ). I'm standing there all embarassed, and he starts talking to me.
I talked to him like I'd known him for years, and it was the easiest conversation that I had ever had with anyone. We just talked about everything, and joked around- it was great.
So after what seemed like a few minutes (it was actually more like 1/2 an hour) , I looked over to what he was working at on the computer, and I saw that they were our church bulletins.
And then, to make matters even weirder, my pastor came in the door and he's like "Oh, hi Lydia".
So yeah, I said bye really quickly because I remembered my sisters out there, and I left, my sister found her speech, and we had a great time.
Then, I think that there was something else in the dream after we left the college... like, my town got exploded by UFO's, and we happened to be able to make a break for it in some beat up blue 15 passenger van. XD
But yeah, the Sunday afterwards, I was sitting in my church and there was this new lady sitting near us, so I introduced myself, and we were talking, and she brought up that she had a son that was there too. Then I look up, and coming into the sanctuary, was the guy from the college, and he sat right down next to us... and I must have looked shocked or something.... and then the dream ended.

So maybe, I will actually meet my future husband. Who knows?

Most of my dreams are really basic though... like I ran out of coffee, or that my hairbrush broke. And then, in the morning, I'll wonder why we still have coffee. hahaha...

I guess the Emily Bronte quote works well in this entry:

"I have dreamed in my life, dreams that have stayed with me ever after, and changed my ideas; they have gone through and through me, like wine through water, and altered the color of my mind."



Saturday, April 18, 2009

About Me...

So, I feel artsy tonight (by the way, isn't artsy the coolest word ever?), so I figured that I would start writing in this blog.
About me... well, where to start?

Before I jump in,(and try to make myself sound WAY smarter than I really am), I want to get one thing straight. I'm a complete nutcase. I can go around while setting the table, acting like I'm getting stabbed with the handful of forks. And believe me, I do the sound effects and everything. ;)
My sister calls me bizarre practically every day.
My own Mom has said she feels sorry for my (possible future) kids, because even if they're half as crazy as I am, then, well, there's practically no chance for them to have a normal childhood. Therefore, I'll have to marry some stick in the mud, because otherwise, I'd probably go off my rocker by the time I am 40. I've already diagnosed myself with permanant brain damage.

I honestly can't figure myself out. All my interests and quirky little things about me are polar opposites.
It's hard trying to balance myself out. It's almost like I'm two people, and I just keep getting closer and closer to just exploding.
Actually, there are days where I seem to be a lot crazier than usual, today being one of them. Like, random things would pop into my head, like "I shall diminish, and go into the closet, and remain Lydia" (when I was looking for outfits for the little girls). Maybe that's me "exploding"? Who knows? XD

(Now on the the part of me that is somewhat intelligent)
I love reading classic books, books that win Nobels, books that are about Norweigian girls falling in love with Italian artists, and then they tragically die. ( please take into mind that this is amazing literature! ;) )
Then I also feel like reading the latest "girly" book, the one about the city girl (who happens to be in the fashion biz), that falls in love with her next door neighbor, who happens to be a detective.

I love clothes and glitzy glam things like that, but I also hate them because of the commericalism/ advertising/ shallowness of it all. After all, who needs leopard spotted Guchi purses anyways?

I want to be a hobo. Travel the world, take my banjo (I'd have to learn to play it first though =)) , see everywhere, leave behind all the things in the world that annoy me, and just be free. I think that would be the most amazing adventure ever, but I know I couldn't leave behind my family/ friends, iPod, and I probably wouldn't even be able to leave stinking facebook. It's just a silly dream I have.. I'll just travel the world the touristy way... someday.

I love things that make me think- like that quote in Winter's Tale. It had something to do with turning off the tv, and going outside, reading a book, just doing things that do make you think, instead of frying brain cells. Of course it was worded differently.

I try to think intelligently, I see the logical side in everything, I can keep a clear mind in emergency situations, but at the same time, I'm the ditziest blonde you'll ever meet.

Oh yeah, I'm very sarcastic. I can completely trick my sister into believing everything I say, even when I think that my sarcasm is perfectly obvious. haha...

Really, the only thing that isn't completely whack about me, is my music. It's all pretty much the same style- rock, alternative, indie, oldies/hippie music, etc.
<3 music!!! :)

I love research, especially when I'm trying to study something Biblical. I like cross referencing things, coming up with my opinion and writing it all down. I also like just taking one topic and letting it "simmer", praying about it, and trying to make sure I have gotten it right.
It seems to help me out, and it helps me believe in God and have more faith in Him.

I am an average Christian girl, who believes she was chosen before time began to serve and love Him, and who is trying to learn more about her Lord and Savior, and is seeking to love Him more, and honor Him in all that I do.

I hope that this is pretty true to who I am. I'd hate to sound hypocritical, or anything. I don't like giving people the wrong idea of me.

Just know that I am extremely crazy, somewhat lazy (hey, it rhymes!!), love researching things and coming up with original ideas, artsy when I want to be, love music/books, wish I wasn't addicted to the computer (>.<) , and VERY sarcastic. I can't really see it showing through on this post, but believe me, it will be on the following posts.

I'd love to get some review type things up in here, maybe books/music/tv shows (to which I am somewhat addicted... heh), those types of things.

Well, I hope I can get people to read this thing!

Peace, Love and Truth.

James 3:13.

-Lydia :)