So, I'm just sitting here. I was bored, the others are watching a movie, and I was feeling like writing.
The funny thing was that I was trying to think of something to write about, and I never seem to write about anything other than Christianity, so I was trying and trying to think of something like that to write about. (I really need to get more original, right? Oh well, if I learn by writing, like I am convinced I do, then I'd be happy to write about Christianity for a longgg time.)
Indifference was finally the topic I came up with. Like you all probably know by now, I always write about stuff that I'm going through; kinks in the spiritual life that I need to acknowledge and give over to God.
So, anyways, I was thinking about it. Indifference is probably one of the most dangerous things that we as Christians can fall into.
Sin? Well, since I am of the once saved always saved belief, I believe that when we are truly saved, then we can't exactly fall out of our perfection that we attain through Christ. Jesus doesn't do a job halfway- once He redeems us, we are redeemed. He will not give us back to our sinful ways, and any assuming that we can fall back into the completely Godless life is, in my opinion, a slap in His face. Like I said, this is just my beliefs take them or leave them.
So, I don't think that we really need to fear sin as much. We need to constantly lean on Christ for support though, and trust in Him to deliver us, but we shouldn't fear it as much as there are other things to be wary of.
Lack of friends / social standing? Well, the answer to that is simple.
Friends are important to me tremendously, but as far as being scared when we don't have any... that's kind of far out there. God is our Friend, and if we have Him, we shouldn't really need anyone else.
Murder? Well, I would say that a true Christian doesn't need to worry about that either. When we die, we will see our Lord and be received into perfect glory. What more could a lover of Christ need?
Anyways, the more I think about it, the more I see that indifference to God is something to be feared.
Charles Spurgeon said that "anything is better than the dead calm of indifference".
I have seen in my experience, that the bad days, the days when I am the most scared of what is going on in my spiritual life are not the days when I'm having a flat out terrible day, frustrations galore, insanely busy etc, etc. Nope. Those are advantageous days, because if I really tried to spend the time with my Lord, I would be learning.
The days that are bad are when they are "dead calm". They are good in a sense, but I haven't thought of God, and I haven't given Him much of anything, and those are my "good" days. That is when I think to myself, and those are the days that I am terrified of.
I mean, what is it? Why am I indifferent? What possible reason for indifference could I have? I have God; A perfect, loving, just, gracious, redeeming, all together lovely God. He is my Lord- the one to whom I owe my life, because He saved it, and isn't that what I need to do with it? Devote it to Christ's service?
The answer is yes, by the way.
So, in my opinion, indifference to God is sin against God.
God is to be adored, not shoved aside.
God is to be glorified, not ignored.
God is to be honored, not despised.
God is to be the source of our life, the fire that burns within us, the one who keeps us going.
How can we see Him as that, when we are lukewarm?
When we become indifferent to Him we are not glorifying Him, and as we are doing that, we are forsaking true, lasting joy, and wasting our lives. (Christian hedonism for the win!)
"For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries"
(Hebrews 10: 26:27).
Philip Schaff talks about the church in Laodicea as being: "in that most dangerous state of indifference and lukewarmness from which it is more difficult to return to the former decision and ardor, than it was to pass at first from the natural coldness to faith"
Don't let that happen. Don't deliberately exercise the sin of indifference.
Don't return to that stupidity.
Love. Live. Glorify Him in all that you do. Constantly watch against indifference.
"Turn away from evil and do good;
seek peace and pursue it."
(Psalm 34:14)
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